Friday, April 27, 2007

Almost Done

It being Friday, I can finally breathe again at last and not obsess every day about how much I have left to read in Damascus Gate and drink liters of water a day, OCD-style. I still have a dissertation due at 3:00 in Grammar, but really at this point I'm so maxed out I don't care a whit.

Good news on the grade front; we had our last class of Shakespeare and Mythology today and he handed back our final exams. Slowly, of course, and with deliberation. I was so nervous, and when I got mine back I turned it upside down like I was in high school or something. I guess it's been a really long time since I've had things actually returned to me. Anyways, woot woot woot, I got a 16 out of 20 on my essay and a 14 out of 20 on my oral expose, so overall is a 15 out of 20. Now, luckily they aren't grading American-style where that would be a 75%, but rather nicely so that an A grade would be considered a 10 or higher of 20. No problems there.

I took the liberty of typing out my essay because I recognized its high demand. Here's the text we received to analyze. Read Act One, Scene One first. then check out this bad boy. I know that it's not impeccably done, but I was pleased with it after not having finished reading the play and only having an hour and a half in which to write it. After I was completely done, I reread the text again and was like, 'ooh!' so I had to add an asterisk around halfway through and continue on the back. I included the asterisk and end paragraph when I retyped it.

So there's one relief. Hopefully it will make up for my perhaps shoddy grade in Promised Land. It grates me, indeed.

What else is going on? Well, I desperately need food. Oh yeah, our electricity is back. However, it was off for about twenty hours, so I threw away some sour cream (which was beginning to turn colors anyway), yogurt, and some nasty, nasty concoction that I thought was cottage cheese but was so not. I left the eggs and milk, because here they don't refrigerate eggs anyway and because I hadn't opened the milk yet, lucky me. I just finished the last of the fruity muesli cereal this morning. I ate all the cookies in a binge Wednesday night. I was up until 4:30 in the morning finishing my paper and desperately looking for other things to occupy my mind. My poor cookies were the sacrifice.

But I hate to buy much because I won't be here that much longer. I dislike throwing away food. Maybe I could give my leftover stuff to one of the homeless people. Like this dude. Note how he has a dog, a guitar, and a liquor bottle. Also note that he is strumming the guitar with the bottle. Actually, it didn't sound too bad.

I seriously do have like, pages and pages of things to write about (and everyone knows that I go on for pages and pages) but currently it's 11:30 and I want to get this dumb paper out of the way. So here I go! Don't worry; I promise you all another gigantic monster post by next week.


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