Preface to a Monster Post
I've finally hooked into the sweet, sweet wireless on campus and was able to upload about six posts in the same amount of time that it took to do one at the office. I got up at 7:30 this morning to get here when the library opened, even though I don't have any classes until 2:00.
Surprising news: I got an email yesterday saying that I was accepted to be a Conference Assistant up at Penn State all summer. Score! Honestly, I was thinking there wasn't much of a chance that I would ever get the job, since they strongly recommended previous RA experience (which I don't have) as well as an interview (which is impossible). They told me that we could do a phone interview, so I gave them my number but then remembered a few days later that I didn't put the country code on it, so they wouldn't be able to reach me. However, either my application just blinded them with wonder or they are very, very desperate for counselors because I'm in. One downfall was that the training day is on the 14th of May, two days before I come home. I asked if I could just read over the manual online or something. I figure that they can't have that much of a problem with me not being there because the first line of my 'about me' paragraph that I sent stated "I will be in Montpellier, France until May 16th". Who knows, maybe they didn't even read it.
I went to the mediatheque more this week than ever before. I would go, return my two movies from the previous day, check out another two, then go watch an additional one in the Video Viewing Room. Sad, sad, sad. One of the guys that works there remembers me every time and either has a mini crush on me or thinks I'm retarded since he gets up from behind his official desk to show me which post I'm at and how to work the headphones. Wow, really? You just plug them in? Right there? I would have never figured that out! Oh Smarty McMovie, you're my hero.
Luckily, Lindsay came home on Friday so I finally have company again. It was so, so sunny outside yesterday so we went down to the aqueduct and basked on a bench until we got uncomfortably hot and stingy from sunburn.
I took a couple pictures last week when it was all rainy and yucky, so the city doesn't look to great. Here goes.

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