Monday, April 16, 2007


I’m back. It’s only been a half hour and already I’m getting bored. There’s some homework that I should get done, but I’m a holy god of procrastination so I’ll save that as a last resort. I think that I’ll go Memento and start from Saturday and work my way back through time.

This is from Saturday morning, at the continental breakfast. I thought that I was getting grapefruit juice but in reality it was papaya juice. Also, I risked eating the pear and paid dearly for it. I was in Oral Allergy Syndrome agony. But, oh, pears are so tasty.

On the RER to the airport we were sitting across the aisle from these three girls, two of which had invalid passes and were getting fined 25 euros and were not happy about it. Strangely enough, it was the one girl who actually had the right ticket that was doing all the arguing. The other two were sitting mute, with an occasional gum cracking or vacant look. My favorite line was “What did you have to drink this morning? That’s a 16 euro markup!” Hee. She would not back down and spent an entertaining twenty minutes trying to argue out of the fines, and even after we all got off, kept at it. It was a shame we couldn’t have stayed and eavesdropped longer. I can’t believe I didn’t get a picture.

When is this going to be released in the United States? I won’t hold my breath. It actually looked tasty. However, if I wanted to spend five dollars on a sandwich, I’d get a Doner kebab.

While waiting in line, I noticed that they no longer sell beer at the McDonalds in the airport. Surprise, surprise.

We all shared one big McDonalds meal, like a poor family.

I had to go to the bathroom and I thought, “oh, no. I’ve got bad memories of these toilets”. However, I must have gotten lucky and hit the one good bathroom since it was beautiful. Notice in the reflection how the doors had a leaf motif. Swanky! Also note how there is more than one sink and a hand dryer that really worked. I must have stumbled into the pilots’ bathroom or something.

Heh. My train’s name was Pepe.


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