Monday, April 16, 2007


All right, Friday morning. Dad and I enjoyed a lovely breakfast and I managed to sneak up a sandwich to Mom. They even had real bacon. Amazing. I shied away from the eggs since they looked a little too soft and gelatinous for my taste.

One of the metro stations we went through was under the Seine.

More Notre Dame!

We couldn’t understand the long line to get in until we realized that it was Good Friday.

I really liked the holder. I wonder if they’re for sale.

Lovely stained glass windows.

Oooh, ahhh.

The Rose Window.

I’ve always liked the arches inside. I fear that if I ever sat to hear Mass, I would offend others by gawking and craning my neck all over the place.

I liked this picture.

A reconstruction made entirely out of toothpicks. I wish.

These candles were a bit pricier than the others. I wonder if they reuse the glass holders when they’re all burned down. Say you paid the two euros to buy the candle and lit it and said your prayer and everything, if you waited for the candle to burn all the way down could you keep it? Or do you only pay the two euros for the privilege of lighting the candle, and not actually for possession of the candle itself?

Mom got one of the souvenir coins.


You can clearly tell the difference between the cleaned side and the dirty, smog-painted side.

They had some random cathedral parts just hanging out.

Did I mention that the weather was so much better than the trip in December?

I know it’s hard to judge in the picture, but this pigeon was enormous. I would say it was as big as a chicken.

Here’s what happens to pigeons when they’re too fat to fly.

Sweet view from behind.

It looks like I photoshopped them in, like so many other times.

Taken from a bridge over the Seine.

From the opposite banks, in between the book carts.

This dog flew past us without even a glance to poo by that specific tree.

Why did the guy jump from the bridge in Paris? Because he was in Seine. That will never get old. PS: this is another joke that it’s hard to explain in French.


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