Monday, April 16, 2007


I really liked this method of advertising. Who doesn’t want something to read while going up steps? Spider-man 3 – in theaters May 1st – His Worst Enemy is In Himself.

Our friends the Matmut guys came out with some new ads. Score! They still haven’t changed expressions, though.

I like the Gare de Lyon, even though it was packed.

Ooh, it’s 10:00. I think that I’m going to try to make some of that Easy-Mac that Mom brought me. It’s even the brand name, none of that Dollar Tree crap that is still not too bad. I don’t know how I’m going to work this without a microwave. Perhaps just boil the macaroni and then stir in the cheezy powder? Would that work with regular pasta too?

Oh no! I just got the package out and it says in big letters at the top of the directions, “MADE FOR THE MICROWAVE: just adding boiling water will not cook macaroni!”

What to do? Is this some special type of pasta? Do you think that it wouldn’t boil in a pot? Wish me luck. Oh, I hope this works.

Update: Yum! Everything worked well. The Cheez didn’t really want to mix in well, but that could have been because I had to drain the pot first and you really should have some water in the bottom for it to unite. I feel like I’m in a dorm again.


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