
I liked this cautionary sign: “Weak people must take great care with steps, during the visit of Catacombs museum: 1.7 km of distance, 130 steps to go down, 83 steps to go upstairs.” They were not kidding. It’s nice that put that outside rather than after you’d already bought your ticket.
Another great sign: “Warning: The ossuary tour could make a strong impression on children and people of a nervous disposition. No toilets or coatcheck provided.” I don’t think a coatcheck was needed. It was pretty damp.
Oooh, the aforementioned steps. All 130 of them. Not too late to turn back. No? Then onwards!
I know you can’t see well, but there were long, long, long corridors with bad lighting that one had to walk. Lots of puddles.
Inscription describing when the catacombs were put in place.
Oldish-looking sign inviting us not to touch anything or smoke in the ossuary.
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