Wednesday, November 01, 2006


It's 9:09 on Wednesday morning and I should by all rights be sleeping, so I'll make this post brief. Halloween was a good time; I had to take the bus home with all the other walk-of-shamers at seven this morning. We went to Petra the Swedish Girl's party last night, which consisted of pretty much everyone in my class as well as various friends, all of weird nationalities. There was an entire table of French people but they sat at a table far away from everyone else, so there wasn't much social interchange.

Getting in the spirit of Halloween, Kenzo Suzuki dressed up as . . . a guy drinking beer on a carousel. Maybe they don't do the whole 'costume' thing in Japan (sarcasm). He should have gone as a gothic Lolita.

This is Zhiyi and Mariana. At least Zhiyi tried. Notice how you can see through that guy in the background. Oooh! Ghostlike!

We saw these two guys by the fountain and we couldn't hold Rachel back. I thought she looked like Jason Lee à la My Name is Earl but she said that she was just going as a dude.

Party shot: Tracey, who I had brought, also wins the prize for least inventive costume ever. Guess what she was supposed to be. A witch. Yeah. I don't think so. Juan Ignacio is rocking his velvet sports coat. I think he was going for 'disco priest'.


At 6:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What were you dressed as???? Girl taking pictures? Flashy Flasherson?


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