Friday, October 27, 2006


Oh crap! For some mysterious reason I woke up at 3:00 AM, and had a craving for grapes. Since going downstairs is risking death, I postponed my want until I just couldn't take it anymore. My family is going to hate me now. Not only do my toes click, which is odd, so they could hear me going down the stairs, I had to blindly fumble my way to the refrigerator, open it (with a huge puffy liner-suction noise), OPEN the BAG, which was rustly, shoo away Luna the Spaz since she was jumping all over me and hitting the table, and then, on my way out of the kitchen, I knocked over a chair. It couldn't have landed more loudly. Hopefully it scared the dog. Without even trying to set it aright, I panicked and sprinted up the steps, without even washing the grapes. Oh, and I took about thirty more grapes than I had intended, so now I'm sitting in my room, hoping that I won't be chastised in the morning, eating a bunch of unwashed grapes. At least they're very good. Maybe I can blame the chair thing on Luna.

I had a dream that I forgot the Galleria Carmike's phone number. Like that would ever happen.

I started reading House of Leaves the other day, and it is a seriously daunting task. It's the size of a phone book and looks like it should be used to prop small children up to the kitchen table. It's not a hard book, and seems interesting enough, but for one thing, I don't know if I could finish it in two weeks, and also it's large enough to be cumbersome, which is not an attractive attribute for Public Transportation Literature.

There's this Iraqi boy named Saif in my class, and during our discussions today I learned that his parents just abandoned their house in Baghdad, which is sad, but even sadder is that they had to leave their three dogs. In more positive news, we also learned that he lost over forty kilos since he's joined a gym. At first I did the inverse conversion and thought, "sixteen pounds, that's not super-impressive" and then I realized that it was more like a hundred pounds. He must have been like the Hulk, since he's still a pretty big boy.

I had an English date with this girl named Elodie today. We talked at one of the small cafes near the Comedie, and I ordered this really great tea that was called a verveine menthe. I learned upon coming home that a verveine isn't really tea at all, but instead a savory blend of tealike herbs.

So of course, being awake at five fourteen, I wikipedia'd verveine, which gave me nothing, so I found the Latin name off of French wiki, which is verbena. According to the article, verbena is a galactagogue. Quoi? So now I guess I should be expecting some above-average lactation. Wikipedia is a dangerous labyrinth.


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