Sunday, October 22, 2006


I managed to wake up at 8:45 this morning to make a trip to the flea market at Mosson. Besides walking around staring at the weirdies and eating a kabob, I also bought two scarves and a lovely, lovely jacket that snaps. It's wonderful. I also snagged a datebook for fifty centimes since it's a 2006 and this year is rapidly fading. I needed a datebook, anyway (for all my dates).

To start, this is a Montpellier-commissioned art piece that was evidently designed to scare the willies out of children, since it's a gigantic metal beast with a pair of legs between its teeth.

Since it's Sunday, that means it's 'let's close all the shops' day here. Amandeou's is a chocolaterie, as shown by the menacing bonbons on their storefront (France has a thing about scaring small children). It also has an armless Chinese girl, with the saying "No arms . . . no chocolate". What does that even mean?

I got a better look inside Tracey's apartment, and it rocks. Check out the wallpaper in the kitchen. It's awesome.

But! The bathroom was even MORE awesome! Do you know why? They had a bidet! This was, officially, my first bidet sighting in France. I took several pictures. Tracey even showed me how it works. You turn the handles and water comes out, like a very low sink. I suppose you just sit in it and chill for awhile, then you stand up (using the towel?) and drain it. I'm sorry to say that I did not, repeat did not, use this bidet.

So this evening Madame tells me that each time I've been saying "je suis replete", which I thought was a fancy way of saying "I'm full", really means "I am plump". Good lord, who else have I used that phrase with? Probably someone really important. At least I found it out now.


At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, even if you have been running around telling everybody how plump you are, they won't believe you. You are not plump.


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