Monday, October 30, 2006

Slaves, Take Two

I seriously must like animals more than people. I never take pictures of anyone but as soon as a frog rolls by, my camera is out. This was at the university this morning, in one of their drainage systems next to the arts building.

I finally mustered up the nerve to take a picture in the silent library today. See! Slaves! Read more about it in this post.

Also, notice that I'm beginning to slowly add more photos online, as accessed by the link on the right-hand side.


At 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're crazy! were you just looking at everyone on facebook or are you somehow friends with her? that library sign is too funny slaves/orientales haha how more offensive could you get if that was in english! speaking of which, my ceramic processing prof is says terible things and it is sooooooooo funny! for example, there are a couple indian grad students in the class and honesly i can't pronounce any of their names, but the prof is really bad- he was saying this one kid's name and got it soooooooo wrong and the kid was like no, it's whatever and he's like yeah and says it exactly the same. he likes to push you to see what your reaction will be, keeps saying these really random matse things and being all, oh this would be a great way to pick up a girl- like taking a beer and talking about the surface tension in a bubble... so maybe for some of them you needed to be there. i am still waiting for my french person saying alaina video! please post one soon! hmmm, perhaps i should send emails instead of posting things i know you'll never approve especially with all these nasty spelling errrorors. nah, too much effort :)

At 3:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Erin.
Have you no identity? Must you remain anonymous? Click 'other', and worlds will open up to you!

Hilarious about your ceramics professor. It sounds like when my teachers make me repeat a word ten times and at the end they're like 'exactly! great job!' even though it sounded exactly how it did at the beginning.

I'm glad you were amused by the library sign. I will go out of my way to look ridiculous in public places to ensure good blog fodder.


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