Friday, October 06, 2006


I spotted a sign yesterday advertising a clothes sale, and obviously was attracted to it like a bug. It had prices that would make the Red, White, and Blue weep in shame. $1.00 t-shirts. 50 cent scarves. Wonderful, wonderful. I found two very nice coats, one gray, and one black. Total sale: $5.00.

Today I passed by the building and resolved not to go and spend any more money, but alas! It was the very last day of the sale and everything was 50% off! I borrowed some money off of Katy (since I only had 3 euro on me) and reshopped. I got two long warm scarves, two small decorated scarves that are quite pretty, a black shirt that fits well, a red Polarfleece jacket, and I think something else. Total for today: 2 euro. I didn't even need to borrow any money. For two euro I could just throw everything out if they don't fit in my suitcases.

I texted my Japanese friend Kenzo Suzuki (fun fact: suzuki in Japanese means 'horn' or 'bell' or something) to tell him that I wouldn't be in class Wednesday, and I guess he must pronounce my name 'a-ray-na' and I just never noticed it because that's how he addressed me on his return text, spelled 'arena'.

UPS must have sprinted my laptop to Montpellier since it was dispatched Wednesday and arrived yesterday afternoon. It works, thankfully, and now I just have to get it to connect to the wireless network. Oh, technology.

The directors organized an outing to the local ice skating rink tonight to practice our patinage. I had to make sure that Sam went so I'd have someone to come home with, but it should be fun. I haven't ice skated for years, so hopefully I won't embarass myself too badly.

Hmm. In the interests of accuracy, I just did a Japanese-English search for 'suzuki', and now they're telling me that it means either 'sea bass' or 'perch'. This informational page tells me that when I hear 'suzuki' I may think of violins, but that's profoundly untrue. I think of car dealerships.

Wow, instead of doing work I got very engrossed in that web site. There was one article that talked about how Heinz is introducing a low-sugar, one calorie ketchup. Also, they talked about carrots of the future. Then, I followed a link to this site about food featured in movies. Maybe I should be careful about keeping a laptop in my bedroom.


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