Data Entry
My host family is going on vacation this weekend, which also means that it's a vacation of sorts for me, since now I can do my laundry, talk on the phone, and come downstairs in my pajamas. For now, here's some pictures.

I did mostly data entry today at the library, which the librarian kept apologizing to me for since she said it was so dull but I actually enjoyed immensely. She usually gives me rapid instructions that I have to pay attention to closely in order to understand, so it was pretty relaxing to sit back and enter information about literary articles. Most of it was dullsville; lofty essays on Keatsian moral structures and the man versus beast paradox found in Caebee's later works. Oh, psst. I changed the keyboard structure to American so I could type faster (I hate the French keyboard with a passion; you have to hold down shift to get numbers and periods) and the libarian commented on how quickly I'd adapted. I accepted the compliment without mentioning my deviation. I'm a rascal.
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