Sunday, September 24, 2006

Pet Problems

As bad as the weather was yesterday, it's even worse today, so no Mosson Flea Market for me, I'm afraid. The whole family except Elsa just went out to lunch at a friend's so that means internet galore.

Last night, it was so nasty out that both the cats and the dogs were allowed to sleep in the house. Angel, the pretty gray one, came right up to my room and was burrowing around in my blanket being cute. She then proceeded to explore around for awhile, sniffing at the desk, the chair, and then doing that stretchy thing with her claws on my rug. After that, she went into my closet to check out my suitcases.

I was talking to Travis on the phone at that point, and I hear a faint 'ptt. . . pttttttt'. I look over halfheartedly to see what she's doing and, ah! She's taking a huge, nasty dump on the floor of the closet! Crap! I shout some apology to Travis and hurry across the hall to get Elsa, because I sure as heck did not want to clean up that mess. Not my cat. Elsa didn't really want to do it either, so she inveigled her boyfriend Berenger into mopping up the disgusting mess. Eww. I left my windows open all night. I was telling Elsa what happened and she kept correcting me and I couldn't figure out why she would keep saying 'il'. . . then it hit me that Angel was a boy cat. Oh, wow! I also found out this morning that Luna is spelled 'Louna', and I still don't know what the black cat's name is.


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