Monday, September 18, 2006

Classes, Part 2

Blogger was being a little snippy with me during the last post and wouldn't let me add any more pictures, so I have to separate my entries into volumes.

At the Monoprix where I shop I noticed that they had an entire wall devoted to foods from around the world, and wouldn't you know it, America had a section. They weren't kidding in the program guide when they said to bring things like pancake mix. It's foreign and pricey. Other things on the wall included popcorn, maple syrup, peanut butter (people here cannot believe that Americans eat so much peanut butter, and they found the combination of chocolate and PB very revolting), and baked beans in a can. I'll provide a better picture of the beans at a later date.

Translated, this poster says:
With us, comrade!
Divide the work!
Share the riches!
Onward and upward towards Socialism!

I felt like I was reading Animal Farm.

This was taken the other night at the Place de la Comedie, and I think it's one of the older buildings in Montpellier. It's called the Opera, and there's always a lot of hippies with guitars singing on the steps. It's pretty, no?

I took a video of Luna the dog before I left for classes, and it didn't really turn out that interestingly. It's 58 seconds of dull dog. She was more excited about gnawing at my ankle than being cute for me.


At 7:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Welcome to Languedoc !

Glad to see you are finally settled here. I've been dropping in on your blog during the preparation phase.

You can get local info here :



At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know your profile for the videos says you're 14? hmmmmmm.... too bad Luna didn't bark, that would have been especially exciting

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was there Dr. Pepper? One time there was at Carrefour and I was sooooooo happy, even though I think it was for some Great Britain international foods thing and it cost something like 2 Euro per can! What about Ramen noodles? I found some and they were even better than the ones we have because in addition to the little spice packet they had this hot spice thing, soooooo yummy after eating nothing "normal" for months! Of course you have your family to eat with, so you're probably eating pretty well! Something to check out next semester when you're on your own

At 3:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I say that I'm fourteen to lure people into watching my videos. Hope it's working.


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