Monday, September 11, 2006

Photo Frenzy

Looking back on the past few entries I realized that this blog is a lot more interesting with photo accompaniment. So I'll indulge.

This is Katy in disgust after we caught a whiff of Padiddle. I wished we had a guitar so we could serenade it with a chorus of Smelly Cat. He was like our personal Pepe le Pew. Oh, but look how happy and contented he was.

Here's an up close and personal look at Padiddle, who has a pathetic face. This photo is dedicated to Mom. I think I may have to adopt him.

Check out the groovy new tram lines! The regular boring ones are just blue with sparrows on them, so this is a psychedelic twist. It's like a moving hallucination.

Oh finally, a picture of me. I'm getting down with my vain self. This was at Fitzpatrick's, a traditional Irish bar. We were here for a good long while on Friday night. That's David behind me, although admittedly not the best picture in the world. Good lord, I'm a regular Busty Belle. No wonder I am the constant recipiant of attention from the menfolk.


At 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alaina, put a shirt on girl !
Don't adopt the kitty, there are
prettier ones out there. And loved the hallucinating bus.

Love, Your Auntie Joyce


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