Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dorm Space

I just got caught up on Stephy's blog and it shamed me into adding new photos. So here goes. (Click to enlarge the photos)

I'll start with another toilet photo, because I know that you can never have too many. This is the one on my foor in Dorm Building C - notice the lack of a toilet seat and toilet paper. It's not the most girl-friendly in the world. Also take note of the stained, nasty toilet brush adjacent to the bowl. Grossness. I usually try to time bathroom trips away from home.

Here's a cleaner photo. This was right when I got in. The chair kind of looks like it's talking to me. He'll be my new conversational buddy if I get too lonely. Other than that, I was just happy that I got sheets and a pillow. The room isn't the biggest in the world, but at least I don't have a roommate. Blood would be spilled.

I thought this was the neatest phone carrel ever, and planned to use it to call home and then I got really confused when I picked up the receiver and it had no buttons. Quoi?!? All of a sudden, someone started talking in French on the phone. It was an operater! A real one! Oh, crap. I wasn't ready for that in English, much less French, so I hung up really quickly and scurried away.

This is one of the feral kitties that roam around Vertbois begging for love and food. Oh, they're too cute, but they're also usually too grimy. Katy has taken to wiping them down with paper towels on her bed to get them cleaner, and it's starting to have an effect. This white one is the most desperate for attention, and he's also the most pathetic because there's something weird going on with his right eye, like he got into a fight or something. Katy calls him Padiddle. We had him up in her room last night and he squeezed in between my legs soaking wet to warm up and whoo man, did he stink. Good lord. It's like something died. I think a part of me died as well. We had the windows open and a little bottle of scent nearby, but it didn't have a chance.

This black and white one feigns like he's too good for you but as soon as everyone leaves and he has you to himself he's as friendly as Padiddle, although they're rivals in real life. He's a little cleaner, as well. He pretends not to like me during the day but every evening I hear "mrrrrowwl" underneath my window and I have to go lock my door and pet him for awhile.

There's two grey ones as well but they aren't the most amicable feral cats, so I leave them well enough alone.

Oh! Heresy! I was reading about my host family in this huge binder in the office, and it turns out that they don't have two cats, a dog, and a ferret. I can't believe it. I feel betrayed. Instead, they have two cats, two dogs, and a rabbit. Rabbit is nothing like ferret! Now I feel really dumb, because in the letter I sent to them I mentioned how I never touched a ferret before. They're going to be like, "quoi?!?!" I hope they don't think I have some weird ferret preoccupation.

And what the shiz is up with Facebook? I am hardly out of the country before it starts changing everything. Now it eats up more time then ever. I'm like, god I don't even care about - oooh, someone has a new favorite movie? Someone else left a Facebook group? Oh, scandal! New status reports, goody.

We have to pick our classes soon, which everyone else is freaking out about but which didn't really bother me since all I really need are some grammar and literature classes, all of which I can get just by taking the regular route. The perk is also that they're all in the same building, so I won't go wandering around campus on the first day with a dazed freshman look on my face.


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