Monday, September 04, 2006

Pont du Gard

Yesterday we took a day trip to Nimes and the Pont du Gard. It was even better than all of those tacky French class posters made it out to be. We even got to swim in the small river that ran under it. I had my typical murky water fear acting up (thanks mom) but the water was really clear. I couldn't stay in for an incredibly long time since the water was freezing and the rocks hurt my delicate feet. I managed to dump the contents of my camera card onto Katy's laptop so once more I am free to take all the photos I wish.

Thank the lord for vitamins. I know that I'm going to worry everyone like mad, but I haven't had fresh fruits, vegetables, or any meat since I left Pittsburgh. Seriously, their diet consists of bread and water. And pastries. I got so hungry during Grammar today I booked it over to the Croc-En-Fac during my break and picked up a liter of apple juice and a demi-baguette. It was really great. I love carbohydrates.

The French are really huge on merry-go-rounds. I can't explain it. I've seen three separate ones since I've been here. They also never use salt and pepper.

I found out that the American library here is really great but they charge you around 20 euros a year for membership. Part of me indignantly thinks that libraries should be free, but a much stronger part wants to pay it as soon as possible to get some entertainment.


At 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Prmcess. It's Monday, Labor Day. Your Dad is here and we've just read over the most recent blog entries. Sounds like you are having fun. How was that mixer? We miss you like crazy.

Lots of love,

Aunt Bonnie

At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Travis here. Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter, just died. He was swimming with stingrays and got stung fatally by one. They caught the whole thing on film.

In other news, you're gonna have to e-mail me your address in France if you want us to send you French DVDs of Lost Season 3...



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