Thursday, August 31, 2006


I know, I know, I have to post the pictures that everyone has been clamoring for. But internet here is hard work! It's a matter of finding somewhere that has internet (no mean feat), being able to use that internet, praying that the browser is recent enough to handle all the crazy xeb pages you need to use, et cetera. So it will be soon, but not now. I have to before Sunday because that's our trip to the Pont du Gard, and I'll want to be as hopelessly touristy as the rest of them. "Bring your bathing suit!" it said, so I can only imagine the wacky activities in store.

I keep having funny, blog-worthy encounters, but it is so long between internets that I always forget them. Hopefully once I'm more settled in it will be better.

Haha, I just switched the language of the keyboard to English. Take that, you stupid French lettering system! I'm writing about five times faster now. I felt like a slow child before.

There's an official welcome tomorrow at the Hotel de Ville in town, apparently with refreshment and foodstuffs. We're being greeted into the city by the offically titled Director of Foreign Affairs. We have another meeting tonight, but they called that more of an inter-program 'mixer'. Will there be punch? Are the boys and the girls going to separate to opposite sides of the room? Will I giggle myself all the way to the bathroom? Oh god, I haven't posted the picture of the bathroom yet. It's enough to make you hold it. It's not gross, just . . . you have to be limber.

Mina got harassed by some West African boys the other day. She was in the Shoppi (dumb name, I know) and they shouted, "Hey, American girl! Do you like KFC? Do you like to eat at McDonalds? Is your name Jenny? That's an ugly shirt!"

I think that last comment took things a bit too far. Her shirt wasn't that bad.

I really wish that I had photo documentation on this computer for things like my dorm room and the old-skool telephones they have.


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