Thursday, August 31, 2006


Things about the French that are Way True:

They wait in line all the time. It took me an hour and a half to get my tram pass. And they won't talk to you if they don't know you.

Sometimes they won't even try to answer you in French if you sound foreign - they switch into perfect English mode. At first it's embarassing to be so patronized, but if you can get over it then it's very helpful.

Real people carry around baguettes to eat later. It isn't just some cruel stereotype. I haven't seen any berets yet, though.

They do smell bad sometimes. It's true. Usually it's not noticeable, but when you're on the tramway squished next to three people, it's a Monty Hall problem to figure out which one of them is the offender. It can get pretty nasty.

They don't shave, really. I haven't been able to find many razory items in the stores. Instead, they wax. No thanks.

The French guys are way metro. If they were in the United States, they would be beaten up after school and have their lunch money stolen. Feminine scarves are way in.


At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its arienne, i cant get your napster to work the password isnt right! email me

At 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gave her my Napster account password? Good lord!

At 2:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG do any of the smelly offenders smell like Tyson!!! LOL

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"it's a Monty Hall problem to figure out which one of them is the offender"

just remember that if you switch doors it's 2/3 chance to win


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