
I just received my internship placement; I'll be working at the Paul-Valery Institute for Foreign Students, a.k.a doing a lot of paperwork and filing things. I'm glad about getting that job, though - it's right next door to where I'll be in classes, so there's not much of a walk. I also found out today that volunteering can count as a course, so I receive credit for Contemporary French, which is a perk. The bad thing is that I have to go to an interview at 8:30 next Wednesday morning, so I have to be at the St. Roch tram station by 8:00, so I have to actually leave my dorm at 7:00 in the morning. I don't think that drowsiness and drool are ideal interview conditions.
There's a wine tasting being offered next Tuesday, woo. Hopefully I can get a picture of one of those big spittoons.
I found out through the grapevine that there's this massive flea market at the Mosson stop every Sunday, which excites me greatly. Also, this Sunday, is a gigantic club-fest, where 1000+ organizations vie to attract new members. Apparently there's a ton that fit every interest level, so that should be cool.
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