Monday, October 02, 2006


The last thing that I wanted to do today was leave the house, let alone hustle to classes. Really, I was only interested in descending onto the living room and watching Lost in Translation all day with some fruit. I was really, really grouchy.

So I went to the library and got a book, which made me feel better, and then had lunch with Katy, which was also nice. I came to get my daily internet fix at the office, and Corinne told me that they weren't open until 1:30, which meant I had an hour and a half to kill. I remembered that I still had to get my bank card from Credit Lyonnais, even though I was dreading having to sludge through French bureaucracy to get it.

I'm waiting, waiting, waiting in the Student section, forever and ever. This girl next to me asked if I was next, to which I sadly replied no. She asked the guy next to me, and he just looked confused and said "I don't speak French". Aha! I finally found someone who was worse off than I was. Nearer to the front of the line, I asked him if he already had a bank card. He didn't, in fact; he was just applying for one. We started talking, all went well, and I asked him where in the United States he was from. He looked confused and told me he was Swedish. What the hey? I thought he was fooling me but he whipped out his passport. I felt incredibly dumb.

We get to the front of the line, finally, and Swede guy is talking about opening an account, when the bank teller says "You are together, no?". I say that no, we aren't together, but then the French guy tells me that if I did bring Swede in to open account, Swede would receive 20 euros and I would have my choice between a 45 euro gift card to FNAC, an mp3 player, or a camera. "Oh," I lied to the banker, "we're together. I just wasn't sure what you meant."

Sweeet! So I picked the camera, figuring that if I'm ever anywhere really shady and want to take pictures, that would be the camera of choice. It should be arriving soon.

It turned out that I was in the wrong line anyway, ironically. So Swede and I parted ways.


At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's where I had a bank account! I wanted to keep my nifty card with the chip thing when I was closing my account, but then the guy looked at me all funny like and had a little fit about keeping it, so I had to give it back and he cut it all up :( Oh and I never had any problems, but some kids told me they did with them mixing up how much you took out or something, so make sure you check your bank statements!


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