Friday, September 29, 2006

Zoo, I

The program assistants scheduled us a barbeque yesterday from six until eight, and being that I was done with classes at three, I had leisure time for a few hours. So Sam and I went to the zoo. We'd always been tempted by the Zoo Lunaret signs all over the place, and once even climbed up this massive hill to get there, but it had been closed. Yesterday, however, it was open. We were a bit wary just walking in at first, because there were no signs posted about price, but as we got farther and farther in it seemed more and more like there was no fee. Sweet!

One of the first signs we encountered I thought at first was an arrow pointing us to the trail, but upon reading found that it was Today's Fire Risk. Cheery. It put me at ease to see that it was 'weak'. After the deluge this weekend you could blowtorch a tree and nothing would happen.

Unlike most places in France, the zoo had toilets at random intervals throughout the park. However, like most places in France, they were out of order. All of them. I did love the shape and the color, though. Lots more exciting than a Porta-John.

Bawk! There was an entire ostrich pen that held about four or five. After watching them for about twenty minutes, I have decided that they are even dumber than I had previously imagined. One spent a considerable amount of time eating its own feces.

I took minutes and minutes of video, but there's no time to upload them at the present.


At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Alaina,

I so enjoy reading of your adventures. It seems everyday holds wonders to behold. What a great experience.
I'd have to come home, cause I don't think I could use those toilets.
Take care.
Aunt Mel


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