Friday, September 29, 2006

Zoo, II

This park was also miles and miles long, which was just craziness since I'd never seen it before. Sam and I accidentally took the 'botanical wildness' path which was about thirty minutes of pointless walking with no real animals but a lot of fun facts along the way. Did you know they claim to have squirrels in the zoo? I cannot believe it. The single squirrel I've set eyes on here was squished under the weight of a Peugeot.

So we turn a corner and - whee! Rhino! Right there! She was pretty close since her mud bath was about twenty feet from the guard rail. She flopped down unladylike into the muck and I'm pretty sure at one time she passed gas. After dousing halfway, she proceeded to spend minutes and minutes rubbing against a tree and some rocks. Fun life.

Lemur! During our botanical walk, Sam and I kept being tempted by signs that pointed to the lemurs without ever actually seeing the lemurs. Finally, near the exit, there it was - the Lemurarium! It's this gigantic enclosed space where you can walk around the outside parameters and see the lemurs (and some monkeys, I think) swinging from ropes, and then you go inside and get to see them eating or sleeping. It was very, very adorable. They also had a lizard and a turtle in one enclosure, and something that looked like a sick dingo in another.

Moving on, the barbecue was also quite enjoyable. The email told us to bring either a dessert or a beverage, so we stopped by the Monoprix and I picked up 1.5 liters of Pepsi Max (Pepsi Un obviously didn't go over well here). I felt kind of cheap, since it only cost $1.38 euro, but it turns out a lot of other people did the same thing. Oh, it was so good! I wish I'd taken a picture of the table. There was three different kinds of cheese, lots of bread, rice with some kind of vegetables, plenty of cookies, some macaroons, four entire bars of chocolate, sausages, burgers, and eventually this tasty, tasty lemon tart. It was like a gorge-fest.


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