Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Bike Ride

I woke up a little early this morning ready to enjoy a leisurely bike ride to work at 10:00, but it ended up being the Ride of Hell. It's like, Satan's bike. It was just horrible. First, I got really lost in the Hauts de Massane (they don't call it the Heights for nothing) and got all hot and sweaty trying to get up and down a million hills. Then I found the tram line, finally, but was really late and had to hurry, which I hate, and then halfway there the bike seat shot down at an angle and I couldn't move it, so I looked really dumb and was very uncomfortable. I finally gave up at the station Occitanie and locked the demon up in the bike cage and took the tram all the way to Rives du Lez, and was a half hour late.

To make up for it, I did an extra half hour of data entry. Today, I learned how to do paperbacks, biographies, mysteries, hardbacks, multimedia materials, children's literature, and reference items. Whee!

I felt after all that I deserved a break today so I stopped at McDonald's and got a small vanilla milkshake and a cheeseburger, which was only 1.90 euro. I still ate my cheeseburger in sections, and I'm sure just as many people stared at me.

I received my very first cell phone call today from Stephanie of UPS. She was very nice and spoke English, which I appreciated greatly. Oh, by the way, this was right in the middle of one of the uphills of the Hauts. It wasn't the most convenient place to take a phone call, being that I had neither paper nor pen nor space to write, so I had her email me. Hopefully all will turn out well.


At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the heck wrote this last comment? Please don't respond to anything like this! Your momma

At 2:02 AM, Blogger Alaina said...

But mom! $900 in one month? By being a secret shopper? It's so LEGIT! How can you pass it by?


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