Monday, October 02, 2006


More photos! Everyone will be happy.

On Saturday, Sam I made an arduous trek past the Odysseum stop to the Ikea. It was pretty much identical to the one in Pittsburgh, save for the restaurant. It was set up cafeteria-style, so you could pick and choose. However, the food was a little unusual.

This was found in the 'dessert' section, but it was really scary. It looks like it's talking to me, like "hey Alaina, I know I'm weird looking, but I promise to be really tasty. Come on!" The sign said it was some sort of cream almond tarte, but then what's with the cup of what looks to be Italian dressing on the side? And why is it green? I thought only pistachios would create that color.

Next we forayed into the mysterious Salad section. At first it didn't look too horrible, but the orange stuff that I thought were carrots were actually lumps of uncooked salmon. Pass.

In the same vein as the previous photo, this salad was also deceitful. Is that thing in the middle an onion slice? No! It's a curl of halibut! Don't trust the Swedish.


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