Friday, March 30, 2007

Taking Up Time

No fun pictures today, sorry. I did take some earlier but they were just of things like graffiti in the bathroom and boring empty classrooms, and I think I've inflicted that enough on you all. So you now get the pleasure of me trying to take up some time before 1:00 PM since Penn State's stupid server won't work before seven in the morning, which it is not yet.

Oh! I read in the Montpellier Plus this morning that Redeye is playing tonight on Canal, which made me get my hopes all high since we actually get the Canal station, but then I realized that they usually fuzz it out when good movies are on. Maybe Redeye isn't of high enough caliber to be worth messing with our cable. I remember when I went to go see it in theaters with Travis. I thought that it was Flightplan. I then found it odd that they would show a preview of Flightplan before the movie itself. At the end of the preview, FLIGHTPLAN showed up in really big letters. I felt incredibly dumb. However, there is a silver lining in all of this, because Redeye turned out to be really exciting and good, and Flightplan (when I did get around to seeing it) was suspenseful up until the horrid ending that made no sense and got me angry that I had waited so long for it. But anyway, it's on tonight. And I've loved Rachel McAdams since Mean Girls.

And I just finally realized after literally months of off and on torment that reason that Pierre Henry's Psyche Rock sounded so familiar was that it was in both Mean Girls as well as the intro to Futurama. I am relieved at last.

Suzy recounted yesterday about how our Promised Lands teacher told her that the reason that the server doesn't work well here at Paul-Valery is that it's about to implode and that the university won't replace it until it actually bites the dust. Why can't we have nice things?

I stayed after class today in Shakespeare to flatter and cajole the professor into giving me a basis for how he would be grading the final, and eventually wheedled out of him that English structure and form would be given weight and that I should not worry myself about getting higher than an 11, which is the A mark for non-Minnesotan classes.

I've been able to register for classes since the 20th but none have been so popular that I've needed to right away. I have one film class left to take for my minor, and several options:

1. Comm 453 Film and Literature
2. Comm 455 Film Theory and Criticism
3. Comparative Lit 153 International Literature and Film
4. CAS 415 Film and Television
5. Phil 005 Philosophy of Art and Film
6. Jewish Studies 497A Food and Film

I'm for the food and film one, personally.


At 8:03 PM, Blogger tvg5001 said...

You have to take Philosophy of Film for me! It's the one class I regret missing, and now I can take it vicariously through you. Please?

At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anytime food and film are combine, it's worth it.

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Travis said...

I remember that time. You were all... wait what and I was all... yeah it's a different movie... but then it all worked out in the end... mmm, memories...


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