Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mom's Post

As requested, here are several shots from around town...

Ah, Montpellier. This was just an excuse to have my camera out. But boy, it looks nice.

Here's two casually dressed women at the tram stop.

Longer shot of the woman on the left. I liked her jacket.

A mom with kid. The man on the right was American.

Here's the well-dressed beggar on Rue de la Loge, writing out her memoirs.

Now on to my apartment...

We've given up on tidy waste disposal in this apartment. There's just a giant, fermenting bag of garbage on the floor in the corner that needs removed.

Ooh, a bathroom in France that isn't stinky and scary. That's worth a picture indeed. It's not pretty, though. However, I do like having a cabinet to keep my toiletries.

Here's the shower. Boring. The doors slide shut. The drain works. There's good hot water.

Notice my fixation on variety and color. Suzy's products are on the right. Yes, she only has two. Mine, from left to right: body wash, shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner, baby shampoo, Euro-store conditioner that stinks, travel shampoo, conditioner, and shaving cream.


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