Tuesday, March 06, 2007


This is my neighborhood bagperson, who sits on all of his possessions day in and out (except in rain). I don't know if he begs for money as well, since I usually have my headphones in to tune out the guilt. But anyway, I came home the other day and he was still sitting there ... but playing a Game Boy! I don't even have a Game Boy! Wow! I guess you need something to whittle away the hours. I wonder if it requires batteries or an outlet.

Don't try any funny stuff or his pet penguin will bite you.

I had one really ripe/bordering on rotten banana left, so I decided to make a 'halfsie' recipe for banana bread. It didn't turn out as well as the first one.

Though, to be fair, it doesn't look too bad in the light.

Hee, it looked like a burger when I took it out of the pan.

Here's the finished product. It was kind of oversalty, so it tasted vaguely of pretzel.

Oh, now who did that? For shame.

Now, I know you're thinking 'who bled on your sandwich?', but it really wasn't as bad as all that. I was all ready to make a quesadilla attempt, and had everything set except the tortillas. Tragic. So, I put some cheese on bread, stuck it in the oven, grilled some chicken (I know!!!) and slapped it on. Then I dolloped out some sour cream, added some not-as-tasty-as-hoped salsa, and I was in business. I ate it kind of like a taco.

Didn't this just work out perfectly? You have the Arc de Triomph, the statue of the guy on a horse, and the water tower thing all lined up just right. It's almost as if someone planned it that way.

Whoops! Found someone's Carte Vitale on the ground Sunday, and still haven't remembered to drop it in a mailbox. Tee hee - this guy's name is David Bosom. Giggle.

The cafeteria that they had been dangling in front of us all last semester finally opened up, and it is snazzy. However, due to nothing else on this campus being at all nice, every student for miles wants in and everything's always really crowded.

This is part of how nice it is - options. I strolled over to the pasta bar and got the cream sauce with zucchini and chicken. It was awesome.

Sam's food didn't look quite so awesome. Sorry, Sam.

Just to shake things up, they closed the library for three days and now there's a massive overflow at the Annex to use the wireless. Here's their replica of the American Southwest in the vestibule.


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