Thursday, March 01, 2007

Thursday Afternoon

This may seem like a bragging continuation, but dang! It's too hot! The second floor in the library has a greenhouse effect going on and I am seriously all flushed and sweaty and fanning myself with a folder. I'll be wearing t-shirts soon, despite the fashion faux pas that it entails. Criminy.

I was well-behaved and woke up early this morning to go to the library and inventory scores of dull books. However, I hit the gold mine since included in the mid-300s is a section on etiquette. Yet I had to pass them up for more scholarly books: The Silent Clowns and Chaplin and American Culture.

Thanks to Detrick, I now have several excellent people-pictures. I like this one since it seems as if Paul is slowly melting into the lights in the background

As you can see, Sandy was making his way closer and closer to horizontality. Who are those other people? I don't know.

I've been watching way too many DVDs lately; I finished two discs of BBC's The Office, three discs of Scrubs, yesterday I finished Sideways, as well as a ton of 24. Yet someone has taken out the hours from 12:00 noon until 4:00 PM, and you can't just skip vital episodes like that. So I'm taking a 24 hiatus. I may watch Rear Window tonight.

I've also had Kasabian's Empire on constant repeat for the last four days or so.

So now I'm just killing time on the internet waiting for my 1:30 history class, where the professor has a tendency to prattle. Then it's Fantastical Literature at 4:00, for a dull two hours. The professor there is a cool dude - he rides a motorcycle (or a Vespa, or a scooter, or some kind of bike with engine) and has great hair. But man, it's boring.

I was kind of concerned about the flans, since I'd never had one before but they always looked so good. I was afraid that they wouldn't live up to the hype in my head. But surprise! They're very delicious. Mmm. I had a half slice yesterday and am saving the rest tonight for dessert.

Wow, I'm really boring.


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