Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I'm really living a rough life out here.

The fountains are on and everyone's happy that it's so warm.

Here's the French version of Mom. Boss lid.

Like a secret agent, I snapped these pictures like wham! No one knew! I was very impressed to see this high-tech cafeteria conveyor belt. It was almost like I was back working in the dining commons again, cleaning up people's crap that they left at the table. Ah, memories.

I was thinking about that delicious flan I had last week, and thought that people would be interested in seeing what they look like. And because I am always amenable to imaginary requests, I took a photo. Despite some apprehension about the glistening top layer, I was very pleased with how good they were.

I must say that living in an apartment was a good experience if only for the reason that it made me cook. I am like the Easy-Mac queen. I could live off of cereal forever. So ... whenever I have to cook things, I make sure that it is properly documented. Here is a mini slide show of one of my latest endeavors ... stir fry. Oooooh.

I bought mushrooms specifically to be stirred and fried. The avocado in the background is not mine; exotic fruits like that take time to work up to.

Did you know... in French, the word for lawyer and avocado are the same?

Did you also know... technically, the avocado is a berry?

Wikipedia also tossed out this gem:

Avocados are also called the 'crocodile doodie'.

Anyways, back to the food.

Wait! Here's a tragic tale. The most common type of avocado in the United States is the Hass variety, planted by a Mr. Rudolph Hass back in 1926. This avocado tree was grown in his own front yard and then patented. Every single Hass avocado can be traced back to that one tree ... and it died of root rot in 2002. I wonder if they had any kind of ceremony for it.

Anyways, here's a shot of the frying pan with all of the various vegetables and chicken all mixed together.

A cutaway view. Note the simultaneous rice boiling. I was on top of things. The greens on the right of the stove aren't mine. I was way too preoccupied to think of salad at the moment.

YUM! How tasty does that look? Wow!

Here's the entire dinner package. I even splurged and opened the orange soda and mixed it with apple juice to create a tasty fizzy beverage. Note how my juice comes in boxes. Then there's the soy sauce, and ... some balsamic vinaigrette in the background that isn't mine, and then of course the good-looking dinner, and a copy of Troilus and Cressida ready to be ignored on my right. Oh, and the ice cube tray is next to the vinaigrette. I can't wait until I get home and have the cubes automatically.


At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you're so into lists:

1.Nice pictures!
2.I'm so proud of you for cooking!
3.I do NOT, repeat do NOT resemble the stationary, not serving the kids at all,sour looking, topping it off with a hat,be it yellow or any other color....cafeteria worker!


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