Thursday, March 08, 2007

Morning at the Library

I had an exciting time at the American library this morning. I started out by grabbing Quentin Crisp's Manners From Heaven, which just dripped with pearls of wisdom. Here are some sample quotes that I found poetic:
When a young man with bright henna hair and a silky, spangled shirt waltzed into a room today like a vamp of the silent screen, his every gesture a neon scream of effeminacy, what gaudy ghosts I saw in the rearview mirror of my own life!

'Charity begins at home', Sir Thomas Browne once said, forging a cliche in the smithy of his soul.

Euphemisms are not, as many young people think, useless verbiage for that which can and should be said bluntly; they are like secret agents on a deliberate mission, they must airily pass by a stinking mess with barely so much as a nod of the head, make their point of constructive criticism, and continue on in calm forbearance. Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne.

Oh Quentin, your honey-laced phrases woo me so. Here's a photo thanks to the Wik.

Anyways, while doing row upon row of inventory, I found a note tucked into a book on architecture. I'm kind of curious now to find out how this drama unfolded. Here it is, in entirety. Mind the illegible words. I rewrote it exactly as I read it.


I am sorry to use your paper but I don't have time - listen, I feel sad about you and I - this has nothing to do with your family - please don't make me feel guilty because we can't afford your trip back the U.S. right now - After the summer, Good business, you'll be able to go back to US - I tryed to please you - I feel for you and understand that you miss your mother and sister.... but, why being mad at me like this?

If you saw in a mirror the way you just looked at me before, your eyes are 2 guns - if they could, they would kill.

Why me?

You make my cry, it's not fair because I haven't done anything to make you sad. I thought you would be overjoyed with your gift. I am sorry that I didn't think of giving you the $1 (ton tre?) ticket with what we spent toward these acquittment. I sincerely hoped that it would help you to get more professional and therefore make money and do what you want. I want you to be happy. 6 months may be 8 ... Again, sorry, but I don't deserve that. Bylle.

Wow! What happens next? Did the note ever get rewritten and sent, or did Bylle cool down? Questions, questions.


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