Sunday, March 25, 2007

Not Quite Aigues Mortes

I'm on the illicit internet right now, at the office that should lock its gate but doesn't. So I'm sitting outside, which gives the screen a horrific glare and makes it very hard to see pictures. Hence, our trip to Aigues Morts from yesterday will be recapped tomorrow when I am seated properly and inside.

I wanted to spend a relaxing a peaceful lunchtime hour at McDonald's yesterday before our trip, but that proved impossible. Argh! Balloons! They were everywhere! I had to dash out and grab a seat outside on the terrace despite the chill and guard it like a doberman against the other outward-bound patrons. They were fierce, but I held my own.

It's warming up a bit here, thank god, since last week's mistrals were terrible things.

How cold was it? It was fraikin froid. Hee.

I had to disguise my laughing as an errant cough after reading this title.

Now my bottom is starting to hurt. Peace out.


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