Friday, October 13, 2006


Unfortunately, there was no tram strike today, but it didn't matter to me since my class had already been cancelled and it didn't matter to Joe since he was skipping anyway. We spent a pleasant afternoon eating crepes at an outdoor cafe, enjoying ice cream from McDonalds, and searching for bathrooms at the mall. I had library duty today and have made my way up to Follett, Ken in the mystery section, which should be renamed since most of them could be classified under 'crime' or 'thriller'.

Joe and I did a lot of bathroom searching in the past two days, it seems. Yesterday evening I had to pee really badly, but couldn't go in Subway since I hadn't bought anything and they seem kind of Nazi here about using the bathroom and not making a purchase. We found this shady cubicle off the Place and to my dismay I had to pay 30 centimes to use it (around fifty cents). I was hoping it wasn't going to be a Porta-John disaster but it was rather clean inside, with no poo or toilet paper strewn about.

Here's an inside glimpse of Montpellier bathroom life. It smelled sort of like cleaning products, which I suppose is a plus. The toilet paper came out on individual sheets, which annoys the crap out of me (hee, bad pun). Upon reflection, I think that I would use it again, given that I had an extra thirty centimes to spare.

Check this madness out. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything musical/literary/cinematic. Just a girl's bare bottom, why not? There were a ton of these posters all over the place and no one really seemed to notice.

This butterfly was on the ground for an extraordinary amount of time, and I got rather close to it so I fear it was dead. How pretty.


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