3-D Scales
The American Library is quickly turning into the Dating Game for me. Francoise informed me today that there is yet another nubile French boy who wants to conversationally delight me for an hour at some random bar. His name is Pierre Jacob, which she pronounced jay-COB, with an accent on the second syllable. Anthony was a nice enough boy but there were some dry spells occasionally, such as when he mentioned that he doesn't really like movies, he's never seen Lost, and that he considers Simon and Garfunkel and Queen to be shuffled into the realm of music that only one's parents would listen to. Hmm.

And I found out that my Culture and Patrimony professor had been completely right about the denim/de Nimes issue. Trusty Wikipedia informs me that:
A popular etymology of the word denim is a contraction of serge de Nîmes in France. Denim was traditionally colored blue with indigo dye to make blue "jeans," though "jean" denoted a different, lighter cotton textile. This is because our usage of jean comes from the French word for Genoa, Italy (Gênes), for whom the first denim trousers were made.

studing abroad is really good experience, isn't it? :) but how do you find time for writing?
Despite the gross picture of the rabbit head, I do see they have Nutella on the table! Yum
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