Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Last Friday

So, okay. Are we caught up? I know I have been such a slacker.

Yesterday morning (oh, it feels so much longer ago than that) I was running a little late since the night previously was the one after my almost all-nighter, and I also took an allergy pill since the pollen has been getting to me. I really did not want to wake up. When I got to Saint Eloi tram stop I saw the bus idling and thought ‘well, okay, I’ll just take the bus and shave some minutes off my time’. Wrong! I sat on that forsaken bus for fifteen minutes while not one but two other buses filled with happy students passed by. Oh, I felt anger.

On my way to class doing a serious power walk, I couldn’t help but notice an unfortunate bird in the parking lot and simply had to get a picture. It’s because the pigeons are so large here they can’t get out of the way as quickly. Luckily I arrived about a minute before the professor did so all was well.

Sam and I met up to go get lunch and on the way I noticed a “Braderie – moitié prix” sign and could not pass that by. Most of the stuff there was crap, except this sensation. What is it? A onesie? Modest lingerie? A dance outfit?

Of course, the one pair of shoes in France that fit me are the Ugliest Shoes Ever.


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