Friday, January 12, 2007

Friday Post

Due to a conspicuous lack of accessible internet, I fear that posting is going to be a bit scarce at least for a little while. However, Maximillian (fake English boy) donated his room and internet cable for awhile, so luck is on my side.

Check out this bad boy. Travis, you could swim in this thing. It doesn't look so huge in the photo - but then compare it to the pastries on the left. The jar was the size of a watermelon! It truly was economy size. I swooned.

Since I take requests, I'm listening to Mom and posting the illicit Mona Lisa. No one was paying any heed to the numerous signs warning against photography in the ML room, and the guards had pretty much given up on censoring pictures and just focused on hurrying the masses past in an orderly fashion.

Now this one was much harder to get. Absolutely no one was even attempting to take a picture. They had uniformed camera nazis lurking in the corners ready to pounce. With a bit of luck (and Laura being a convenient human shield) I had one shot to get a good picture. Happily, the light was good. I think Mr. David was definitely worth the trip to Florence.

Another perk of the city was that we had the opportunity to see Saint Francis of Assisi's cowl. How did we know it was a cowl?

Because of the copious signage! Hee. Girdle.

This is probably the scariest thing in all of Europe. Going up the seven hundred stairs in the Eiffel Tower, the directors probably realized that people would like a little visual stimulation coupled with a history lesson. The result is the frightening wax effigy to the left. It scared the bejeezus out of me. It's still terrifying.


At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the wax effigy in the Eiffel Tower supposed to be? A worker. Kinda reminded me of Boris Karloff. Love the pictures. You are getting good ones.

At 5:41 AM, Blogger Alaina said...

I think it was supposed to represent the many, many manhours of building and construction, but that didn't make it any less frightening. You'd turn a corner on the stairs and BAM! effigy!

At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the wax dude looked like Mussolini. Which seems like an even stranger thing for the French to immortalize in the Eiffel Tower.

(Ha ha, I just almost responded as "Ms. Robbins" because I was logged onto my school's book group blog.)


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