Friday, January 05, 2007


We´re in the "Easy Internet Cafe" right now, which claims to be the cheapest way to get online. It did indeed have reasonable rates. There was just some major drama in the aisle across from ours - an Australian girl freaked out at this Catalan guy because she said he tried to steal her bag. He did look pretty guilty and left right away, so she was probably right. That was the second Australian we´ve seen today. This morning we shared a train section with a very nice Aussie that had been all over Europe for the past month.

Sadly, cheap internet cafes have their downsides - no USB ports seem to be functional. Of course, that means no pictures of the incredibly fun things we´ve been doing. I think you´ll make it.

By complete accident, we managed to be here in Barcelona over the major Catholic holiday of Epiphany, or El Dia de los Reyes, which included a major parade right next to our hotel. We got free flags and were pelted with candy thrown from trucks.

I don´t know what to do without photographic accompaniment. So, there should be another post tomorrow.


At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are missing some awesome global warming back in the states Alaina. It's been like... 70 degrees in January! Thank you Al Gore!


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