Tuesday, December 19, 2006


As I've said before, again and again, there are literally no squirrels here. None. I can't seem to figure out where they have gone. I could accept that it's winter now so they're hibernating, but even in the carefree days of autumn I saw hide nor hair. They have to live around these areas, for three reasons: the trees are really great for nut-gathering and climbing, there's a wildlife park that's named Something Something of the Grey Squirrel, and for pete's sake, I saw a dead one all squished on the road. Perhaps there's a disease going around. Or, more likely, the French people eat squirrel as well and just don't talk about it.

Afterthought: maybe the nature park of the Grey Squirrel was so named as a sort of tribute or memorial to all of those squirrels who have disappeared from the area. Of course I can't refrain from Wiki. The Latin name for the squirrel branch translates into "the tail that casts a shadow". Apparently, however, that branch also encompasses groundhogs, prarie dogs, and chipmunks, whose tails I wouldn't really consider to cast much of any shadow.

Some other names for groundhogs include: woodchuck, land beaver, and whistlepig. Awesome.

I want to see this bad boy on a walk someday.

It turns out that squirrels have been responsible for many more electrical problems than just at sub-station MRL buildings at Penn State. The University of Alabama was plagued by power outages and apparently NASDAQ was brought down not once but twice. Wow.

"Squirrelled" is the longest one-syllable word in the English language.

The coat of arms for Froland, a municipality of Norway, features a pretty cool squirrel.

Oh, my world is breaking! I just found out that the same guy did all three Chipmunks voices! I could barely accept that it wasn't really high-pitched people, and now they tell me it was just one guy.


At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who knew this blog was EDUCATIONAL?

At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so THAT's what a woodchuck is!!


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