Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Sushi Eve

Hooray for it being Tuesday night and having no more examinations! This morning's was a somewhat rigorous series of questions dealing with a news feature that we were allowed to watch three times. It dealt with old castles that had been renovated and needed to attract more tourists. Most of the questions were pretty easy, but one of them asked what this guy's job had been before he advised the castle-owners on how to drum up business. I swear, each time the clip played I knew the exact spot where he answered that question, but all I heard was some mumbled French gobbledygook. I put down that he was an engineer because I honestly couldn't understand a word.

I figured that I deserved a nap this afternoon, but it was the most ill-taken nap ever. Not only is my room the farthest from the wood stove (which is their only means of heating this entire house), I always close my door so that the family can't stare at me while I'm asleep (a weird, irrational fear that I can't seem to shake). I finally broke down and grabbed yet another blanket from the closet to enclose my poor, shivering form. Do you know how many layers I have on my bed now? Five. I kid you not. I may as well be living in one of the aforementioned castles. At least then I'd have a fireplace in my room.

Juan Ignacio gave me his number today so that we may get together for a pre-Christmas dinner. He's having sushi for Christmas Eve. Uh, no. That's just not going to happen. I'll bring my own roasted chicken and perhaps some potatoes to mash. I found out that the library at school is open until Friday so I hurriedly checked out three books today and finished one. I'll try Moby Dick again; I started reading it before and didn't think it was bad at all but then, you know, life got in the way and my reading plans were shelved. Hah.

This reminded me of that crappy polluted stream behind the Dairi Delite in Bridgeville that always had tires and refrigerators and shopping carts all through it.


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