Sunday, December 17, 2006

Last Week

Thankfully, I only have finals tomorrow and Tuesday, so I'll have the rest of the week to mosey around the city taking more pictures and posting more entries. I can hear the collective sigh of relief.

Katy and I made a trip to the Casino Cafeteria today since I was really in the mood for three scoops of ice cream with whipped cream for 2 euros 60. While Katy was in the lavatory (no pictures, sorry), I found a guestbook-looking thing on a podium that informed the concerned patrons each day exactly where their beef had originated. Today's menu featured choice meats from both France and Germany.

Crane games are rip-offs enough in the United States, but I would boycott indefinitely any that cost 2 euros for one play. I like the animated character on the backboard who is wielding what looks like a machete. Actually, it was a parachute, but I like it this way better.

In boring, ordinary news, I cooked up a fantastic omelette this afternoon. It was really perfect. I think the secret is to use enough oil to coat the entire pan, otherwise the eggs don't cook right and they always stick.

At the risk of missing my bus the other day, I managed to get conclusive proof that nerdy safety-conscious parents exist here as well. Note the baby buggy attached to the main bike, the reflector panels on the tires, and the Ikea neon green vests just in case they weren't visible enough already.


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