Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Lunaret Visit

I have so many things to share! On a whim today, I dragged Sam to the zoo with me and it was a roaring good time. I managed to completely fill my camera card, which is a feat in itself. Let's take a look, shall we?

I wanted to hit the Lemurarium first, since we didn't get to spend that much time there last visit and they are very personable. Lots of jumping, lots of swinging. I love their little faces.

This little fella (well, it could have been a girl) was outside in the cages, in the corner. This video wasn't turning out so great until I noticed that the shadow on the wall above the lemur had quite a personality. Plus there's some fun lemur grooming.

Ooh, the nocturnal mammal cave of wonders! It was hard to take this picture because the only way to look into the exhibit was through little circles cut into the dark plastic all around it. Can you spot the rodent?

Remember this guy from last time? He's made a remarkable turnaround, unless the first one died and this is his cheerful replacement. Oh, I was laughing so hard that I cried. In the lemurarium. Look at this video first. He would not stop scratching. Now, watch the aftermath. Words can't even describe how funny I found it.

Wikipedia tells me that 'fossa' is pronounced FOO-sa, and looks like a cross between a dog and a cat (so true!) but in fact is closer to the mongoose.

The mysterious otters were out this time, in cute, fun glory. You 'otter' see this video, hardy har har. For even more adorability, click on this one.

They also had a recent acquisition of the camels, both Dromedary. We weren't as close as you can get at the Pittsburgh zoo, but it wasn't too bad considering that the camel pretty much acted like a cow and chewed grass.

I think that this should be considered as the best kangaroo picture of all time. Look how dignified and composed he is, while at the same time sassy and casual. Awesome. I like kangaroos.


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