Monday, November 13, 2006

Multiphoto Day

Oh, many things happened today. I'll try to present things in a chronological manner.

I spotted this sign on my way to the Gare St. Roch today and got off a few stops early just to take a picture. I had already formed some fun sentences, such as "Damm! That's good beer!" or "Damm that beer of Barcelona!" Stuff like that.

But on the way, I spotted my very first bona fide French discotheque. The name helped me out - I.D.E.M. stands for "Internationale Discotheque des Etudiants de Montpellier". Maybe I should go get funky.

Awhile later, I was buying a notebook in the Monoprix and at the checkout line when who walks in but . . . a mime! In full costume! Oh, man! It was tricky to take a picture not only because I didn't want to seem conspicuous to the mime himself (though what was he going to do, yell at me?) and also the security guard was right there. That guard must work every shift since each time that I ever make a purchase at Monoprix, he's there.

Maybe he wasn't a mime, just an eccentric performance artist. This was my second, bolder attempt. It's a really crappy shot, I know, but better than I was expecting. Can I get a close-up?

Fuzzy and weird, but the mime needs not pixel clarity nor speech in order to make a statement.

Two minutes after Monoprix, I intercepted a dispute between Cops on Bikes and the good gentlemen who serenade the Comedie with their guitars and amps every afternoon. I would hazard a guess that it was a problem with some sort of permit they should have. Notice the accordian.

This is the handicapped-inaccessible bookstore which they call a librarie and gets me every time.

I liked this reflection.

This is the pigeon that the other program participants affectionally call 'Nipplefoot'. I got a good look at it, and it's pretty sad. It looks like all of his toes except the back ones were chopped off. However, he seemed to get along well enough, probably from the spare crumbs of pitying lunchers. And, before you ask, of course I got a video. The sound you hear at the beginning is the tram passing by. He hobbled around like a miniature Captain Ahab.


At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Were those strobe lights outside the disco sign??? Fun. Yes the pigeon was deformed, but that might work to his advantage with the feeders. Scary mime guy...couldn't afford a real mime costume.


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