Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Fake Journal

It was World of Work Wednesday, so that meant that I had two hours during class to do other things and glance mournfully at my watch. About an hour into the class I got motivated to start the journal that supposedly we were to keep this entire time. I shuffled my way awkwardly out of the classroom (it's a very tiny room with huge table and about twenty-five students) and took the tram up to Monoprix, where I bought a small notebook, a pack of index cards, and looked for gummi candy but really wasn't tempted by their selection. Standing in line, I happily eavesdropped on these charming English older men talking about what a scandal it is that you have to pay for grocery bags. Right on, brother.

I returned to class obviously having been outside, since it started raining and my glasses were wet. I don't think the teacher noticed or cared. Speaking of the teacher, she was wearing the most bizarre jacket today. First of all, it was cut way too low, but in the back the seams looked to be inside-out. I thought at first her entire jacket was inside-out, which would have been funny, but looking at the front the sleeves were fine and the pockets were on the correct side. All I could deduce was that this was a stylistic choice on the part of the designer but was nevertheless not a great idea.

After staring at my professor for long enough, I got started on the journal. My thumb is hurting something awful right now. I finished about four or five pages of simply recollected memories of my internship experience back in mid-September. It's not even going to be graded, which stinks, but we still have to present it at the end to show that we've been keeping up with things. I certainly don't want to be stuck with doing this whole thing at the end. Luckily we were only supposed to have written an entry every week.

I bought an entire baguette for my lunch at Monoprix. They make some tasty, tasty bread. I shared some of it with Stephanie, who I randomly bumped into at the Comedie. At the exact same time, I received a free sample of L'Oreal Nutra-Gloss shampoo. That makes for a good day.


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