Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I know there hasn't been a dirth of fun here lately, but it's cold! Really cold! I have no gloves, so next time the family goes to Carrefour I'm tagging along. I wore my gray scarf today, which kept out a lot of the neck-cold. But it's really my hands that are suffering. Even now, in the house, they're quite chilly.

They really do eat heart here. It wasn't just Sam's weird host dad. I asked Madame about it and she said, "oh yes, we eat it all the time". My brain seized up and she reassured me that she hasn't made it since I've been there. Thank god.

We had shrimp again tonight, and the cat was going wild with sensory ecstasy. She would not stop jumping up on my lap and lunging at my plate. I snuck her some giblets on the side.

I'm reading up on the news and one of the past entertainment headlines was "'Jaws' theme tuba player dead". Slow day?


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