Thursday, November 09, 2006

Rogue Hairs

Sam was lurking outside of the gate this morning in an attempt to hijack onto our wireless network. So he's here now and I'm using him to download the new Lost episode for me. I've been cruising around askmetafilter for awhile, giggling like mad at one of the recent questions. It starts out with what we've all been wondering at one time or another:

OK, seriously. This may be a bit TMI, but anyway... how is it possible for a 1 - 1.5 inch hair to grow out of one's forehead seemingly overnight?

Now, I stood in front of the mirror and brushed my teeth last night before bed... saw NUTHIN'. This morning, BANG, a fine(er than normal) head-hair is jutting out of my forehead, halfway up between my (right) eyebrow and my (receding) hairline. This doesn't happen every day of course, but it ain't the first time either.

Sure, it's possible I missed it last night or the day before... but every time? I just find it hard to believe that I never manage to catch these rogue hairs at the half-inch mark. It's always when the hair is shockingly and disturbingly long.

Now, this question is funny enough to begin with, just imagining this poor man in front of his mirror in the morning. But several of the responses are even better, such as:

  • I have just such a single rogue hair that grows out of my deltoid and if left unmolested will grow to 3" before falling out. It always reappears in the same spot after a vigorous loofahing and starts at 3/4".
  • I have one on the side of my nose of all places! It, too, has always confounded me.
  • I have one on my left arm, just above where I wear my watch. I call him Silky.
  • Lest you get too upset by your lone stray hair, a friend of mine in junior high had a 2" x 2" patch of luxuriant blonde ...fur...on her left forearm which she used to regularly shave. When she didn't, it looked as though she was wearing the ear of a cocker spaniel.
  • My wife, swear to god, had an inch long hair grow out of her HEEL when we were in college. If that sucker reappears, I'm outta here.

Weather-wise, it's been a lot nicer the past couple days. I have discovered a new way of arranging my scarf so that it always remains in the same place around my neck as well as keeps my torso warm, kind of like a makeshift vest.


At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish I had a cocker spaniel's ear growing out of my forearm. What a feature!

At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been a bummer week, me and Uncle Al have had colds and the weather is mid 30' one day and mid 70's the next. I feel like my airways are on strike in protest.

But anyway, I really have enjoyed your tales this week. The little Genie was ingenious but the Rogue Hair made me LOL. I'm at my desk at work which can be pretty embarrassing. Everyone wants to know what I'm laughing about since I've been such a grouch lately.

Thanks for some much needed humor in my life.

Take care, we love you. Aunt Mel


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