Monday, December 25, 2006

Quick Post

It's been kind of an uneventful Christmas thus far, which is good because any events that would happen would most likely be negative ones. I didn't leave the dorm room all day since it was so darn cold, and played a lot of solitaire and watched Fight Club, which was better than I remembered. I risked a shower this morning, hoping that it wouldn't make me even colder, but on the contrary it warmed me up considerably.

My present to myself was some dark chocolate that I picked up at Monoprix yesterday. It was quite good, but I'm sure it won't compare to the chocolate covered cherries that Mom is sending up with Laura. I think I may polish off that box in three days or left.

I hate travelling all the way into town to use the web cafe, but sadly the dorm doesn't have free wireless. There's always the same guy working here at the WWW and I think he likes me. He always answers me in English, even though I ask in French. I'm transparently American, I guess. I feel bad that he has to work on Christmas. But not incredibly bad, because I needed to use the internet.

Okay, only two minutes left, over and out.


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