Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Buster Keaton

I had a fierce craving for onion rings yesterday. I haven't had them in so long, and I decided that it was worth a shot to go to the grocery store and check the frozen food section. Nope, no onion rings. However, they did have . . . fried calimari rings! Joy! They were really delicious too, albeit a little chewy at times.

I just got out of my Comedy in Cinema class. We just started on Buster Keaton last class, and my professor dedicated the two hours to wax poetic on how great Buster was. It got a little excessive at one point. He was describing how graceful his comedy was, and how refined of a comedian he could be, and then he started talking about the elongation of Buster's face and how it gave him a graceful attractiveness, and he continued in that vein for about ten minutes. This man has a serious Buster fixation. He then compared Buster to Charlie Chaplin, describing Chaplin as having an 'awkward vulgarity', and whose physical appearance was buffoonish whereas Keaton always retained his smooth elegance. Don't hate on Chaplin, dude. I think that he's very cute.

So anyway, after two hours of this, he passes out a packet from the International Colloquium of the Comedic Genre that was held here in May of 1996. Turns out, he had written an article that was published in it. Guess what it was about? Oh, yes. Comedy and Beauty: The Keaton Legacy. Wow.

He also kept referring to Coney Island as Coney Iceland.

Suzy and I are waging passive-agressive war on the landlady. We've been keeping the heat turned to the 'summer' setting so far, since it keeps the hot water going but not the radiators. It was certainly a comfortable option. However, when the landlady came in to show us how to work the oven (obviously we should have known to turn the gas on, adjust the temperature, then stick a lighted match through a tiny hole in the bottom of the stove), she noticed that the radiators weren't on. She threw a mini tantrum, saying that she'd gotten some heat guy to check out our stats before we'd moved in and they were perfect! So we shouldn't touch anything! Nothing! She moved the heat bar over to halfway and warned us not to touch it again.

Oh well, we tried. That night, I woke up at about 3:30 in the morning because it was so darned hot! It was like a sauna! I shouldn't be sweating in January. So I snuck into the kitchen and turned it off again. I secretly think that she is going to sneak in and check our heating status when we aren't home. We'll see.


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