Saturday, October 14, 2006

Drug Deathmatch

I made my way over to, created by John Hargrave, who is one of the most consistantly funny writers I have ever had the chance to read. It's 2:23 in the morning here, and I have to say, my abdomen now hurts from how much I was trying to hold in my laughter. His latest article involves him overdosing on both Robitussin, for stuffed-up noses, and Claritin, for runny noses. He went to a county fair afterwards, and says:
I entered the fair with my head full of histamines and antihistimines, finding myself extremely speedy, mind-bogglingly jumpy. "Whazzat?" I screamed when a goat bleated behind me. "Whoozat?"

"Whazzahizzle?" I shouted at a chicken, which squawked in fright. "Zazzy hoozlediddle?"
Too, too funny.


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