Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Red-Letter Day

Cautiously, I would say that this is one of the best days I've had for awhile. For starters, it's about sixty degrees out and sunny. Secondly, I was able to sleep in relatively late. I'm also feeling kind of listy today, so here goes:

Good Things That Happened at the Train Station:

1) I didn't have to wait in the huge line to find out whether or not I would be charged for changing the times of my tickets to Nimes.
2) I ended up not being charged after all.
3) I was able to use the huge yellow machines to do the actual exchange, which meant no human contact.
4) I could physically see the times and hem and haw before making a real decision.
5) It turns out that the time that I changed it to on Sunday was off-peak, and I received a reimbursement of 1.70 euros.
6) I turned a profit on the whole encounter.

Good Things That Happened at the Mediatheque:

1) They found my card!
2) There was a Friends DVD there that I hadn't seen yet.
3) The wonderfully nice librarian there (who did not patronize me) had saved my DVDs from Saturday on the desk so no one could steal Amelie and Labyrinth away from me.

I honestly was feeling very list-oriented today, since I filled up about two pages in my notebook during film class of foods that I will be very interested in eating once I get home. Here are some top contenders:

1) Beef stew
2) Mashed potatoes
3) Fettuchini alfredo
4) Mozzarella sticks
5) Onion rings
6) Curly fries
7) Cookie dough
8) Grilled cheeses
9) Dill pickles
10) Blueberry Nut Crunch cereal

That's enough junk food to last me for my entire life. I'm not going to be able to move for weeks after I get home.


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