Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Brussels: Part One

I fear that this will become the longest series of posts in history. I certainly took enough pictures today to warrant that, and I have the time to not be brief.
Ooh, the kitchen. It was very well-equipped, with a dishwasher, oven, stove, and microwave… but no pots! I searched high and low and found the lids, but the pots themselves were nowhere to be found.

Except for Big Bertha. It was like, the industrial standard of all large pots. I put it next to the sizable microwave for an accurate comparison. How could you cook anything in this thing? You’d have to be making spaghetti for six hundred hungry campers to use that pot. I really don’t think the picture does it justice.

So you know what I had to use to cook my small amount of rice? A frying pan. Yes. That’s why it looks so lame. I did not have high hopes for this meal.

Well, it heated up all right, and even boiled after awhile.

Mmm! A bowl of undercooked rice and some generic Orangina Light. Both delicious and nutritious.


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